Saturday, October 12, 2024

Paint Tube Squeezer Thingamajig


I don't know what the formal name for this thing is, but it's used to squeeze ink or paint out of a tube by squooshing it between the ribbed rollers by means of the key to the side.

This is a very cheap version of the device, and if you really feel like it you can spend quite a bit of cash to get a somewhat better engineered version which does pretty much exactly the same thing.

I prefer to decant my printing ink from its tubes into small screw-topped pots so I can get at it with palette knives. It's more convenient, and also generally less messy.

However, those steel grips are not very comfortable to use. Not very comfortable at all. So I added some grips to make them easier to squeeze.

Oak grips

3d printed grips

I did it in two ways.

I made a pair of grips from a small piece of oak. It took about ten minutes.

I designed a pair of grips in Blender and 3d printed them on my Ender 3. All up, that took about two hours.

The 3d-printed grips are more geometrically exact, but that's about their only benefit over the wooden ones.

Sometimes the high-tech solution isn't the best one.

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