Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dali Deco Woman


Here's another test print for a linocut.

This one is based on a bronze by Salvador Dali called Art Deco Woman. I don't know how big the original was.

The print is 95 x 245 mm.

It needs more work. I'm happy enough with the key block, but the ochre overlay is fairly imprecisely registered, and I'm going to have to open out some of the specular highlights to make them more definite.

It doesn't help that my yellow ochre ink has separated a bit in the tube, so it makes a very liquid film when rolled out that tends to fill in any fine lines.

Apart from that, it's okay I think.

Later on...

I decanted the yellow ochre ink into a little plastic jar and stirred the bejeezus out of it before rolling it out.

Then I printed the ochre block first, and the black second. It gave me a much cleaner, richer print.

I'm not enthralled with the blue overlay on the DALI text. In fact I might just cut the text off the block completely. I will cogitate on the matter.

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