Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trumpety-Thing Base


Quite a few years ago, we found a pair of trumpet-like brass things in some antique-junk shop.

I assume they're supposed to be vases or something. We have no idea of where they came from, nor how old they are. Both of them are somewhat damaged, but neither beyond the bounds of displayability.

Both of them were missing their original bases, so today I turned one. I think it's matai. I'll get around to the other one, one of these days.

Next day...

Well, one of these days turned out to be this day.

The other piece of matai (?) I had turned out to be full of splits and a nail, so, bugger.

I therefore turned the second plinth in white oak, and ebonized it with iron acetate.

The piece was only 40mm thick compared with the matai's 50mm, so I did the oak one in two pieces (with a 10mm base plate to bring it up to 50mm) and glued and screwed them together.

It doesn't bother me in the least that they're not identical, so that's good.

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